As cities continue to grow, so is the number of challenges they are facing. Environmental, economic or social emerging issues call for new and unproven urban solutions. The increasing need for urban innovation will result in the development of a significant number of smart cities initiatives, creating new business opportunities for Mediterranean SMEs. If we want our cities to be efficiently managed and more livable for communities, public authorities and SMEs have to work together to come up with the best technological solutions.
SME4SMARTCITIES will make this collaboration possible by reinforcing the capacities of Mediterranean cities and SMEs. On the one the hand, the project will help cities to be the front-runners of innovation, in particular through the use of Public Procurement of Innovative solutions. On the other hand, the project will support Mediterranean SMEs in order to guarantee that their products and services meet the expectations and needs of smart cities.
This project is co-financed by the European Union at 90% through the ENI CBC MED Program, with a total budget of 2.4 Million Euros. The project will be carried out by: BIC Euronova, CEEIM, Filse, Tell Aviv University and Kfar Saba.
Who will benefit?
• 50 SMEs supported
• 6 Mediterranean cities and 50 of their civil servants
• Business support organisations, clusters, business associations, universities and R&D centers
• Local urban communities benefitting from the implementation of new smart initiatives
Expected achievements
• 1 training programme dedicated to support SMEs in entering the smart cities solutions market
• 1 platform for providing consultancy services to SMEs in idea generation, concept definition, concept development, market testing and access to new markets
• 1 co-creation, co-innovation programme to foster cooperation among Mediterranean SMEs
• 5 Smart Cities solutions (innovative and technological products and/or services for improving the cities answers to the urban challenges they face) developed and tested