BIC Euronova - GOSUMP
GO SUMP is targeting the challenges of capitalization and mainstreaming of projects’ results and solutions for sustainable mobility in the Mediterranean at transnational level. These challenges were obvious during the last programming period of the MED Programme.
Partnership involves seven partners from five countries: Malaga City Council - lead partner (Spain), EUROCITIES ASBL (Belgium), AMB, Barcelona Metropolitan Area (Medcities General Secretariat)(Spain), CODATU, Working for sustainable mobility in developing cities (France), UNIMED, Mediterranean Universities Union (Italy), RDA Green Karst - Regional Development Agency Green Karst (Slovenia) and BIC Euronova.
Using this specialized partnership as the backbone of the working structure, GO SUMP will work to solve the gap of sustainable mobility as a part of urban planning, by guiding and supporting modular projects as a community, to improve the visibility, capitalization and mainstreaming of their results through joint strategies based on synergies and networking. GO SUMP will act as a bridge among the Med Programme and projects, and the stakeholders for their communication and capitalization through key thematic groups such as CIVITAS, ELTIS, the SUMP Platform or the Covenant of Mayors.
By capitalizing good and especially bad practices, the horizontal project will contribute to a unique identity on SUMPs in the MED cities enhancing its peculiarities as a key to implement low carbon transport & mobility measures.
The modular projects currently within this community are:
CAMPSUMP: Campus Sustainable University mobility plans in MED areas LOCATIONS: Low Carbon Transport in Cruise Destination Cities MOBILITAS: MOBility for nearly-zero CO2 in medITerranean tourism destinAtionS MOTIVATE: Promoting citizens’ active involvement in the development of Sustainable Travel Plans in Med Cities with Seasonal Demand REMEDIO: REgenerationg mixed-use MED urban communities congested by traffic through Innovative low carbon mobility solutions
SUMPORT: Sustainable Urban Mobility in MED PORT cities. ENERNETMOB: sustainable electromobility plans.
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