BIC Euronova - BIC EURONOVA and ANCES jointly advocate and promote Next Generation (NG) Internationalization at 2024 Greencities and S-Moving, contributing to the internationalization and sustainable development of enterprises.
BIC EURONOVA and ANCES jointly advocate and promote Next Generation (NG) Internationalization at 2024 Greencities and S-Moving, contributing to the internationalization and sustainable development of enterprises.
On September 24th, BIC EURONOVA and ANCES set up the Next Generation Internationalization booth at 2024 Greencities and S-Moving in Málaga, Spain, to advocate and promote Next Generation Internalization.
07/10/2024 BIC Euronova
Carlos García Giménez, Chairman of BIC EURONOVA, Alvaro Simon, CEO of BIC EURONOVA, Laura Calderón, Public Relations and Communication Officer of BIC EURONOVA, Eva Elena, European Projects officer of ANCES, Lucy Gan, Director General of BIC EURONOVA China, Jerry Yang, Sustainable Development Manager of BIC EURONOVA China and other relevant personnels attended the event. Senior Group, XBPower, LuxPower and other companies brought by BIC EURONOVA China successfully displayed their contribution to green transition and their projects.
Against the backdrop of European Green Deal, Next Generation EU Plan, and Digital Europe Programme, the European Commission and EU member states have already introduced many new laws, regulations, and trade defense tools, which have brought new challenges to foreign companies. Next Generation is committed to becoming an emerging force in promoting global supply chain compliance and sustainable development. BIC EURONOVA will work together with ANCES and the European Green and Sustainable Development Association to support Technologia Sunshine S.L, the authorized project management entity in building and continuously improving the Next Generation international compliance and sustainable development management platform, enhancing internationalization, localization and innovation capabilities of NG enterprises, and promote green and digital twin transformation in Europe and globally.